Rev. Matt Smyzer speaks on being covered by the blood of Christ

By Simon Baker | 03/01/2023

Rev. Matt Smyzer encouraged students who are facing struggles, problems and burdens to never give up because they are covered by the blood of Jesus.

By Simon Baker, student news writer, Office of University Communications

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky - Have you ever carried burdens you didn't ask for?

Rev. Matt Smyzer shared how we carry unwanted burdens in life but are covered by the blood of Christ during Campbellsville University's Black History Month chapel Feb. 15 at Ransdell Chapel.

Smyzer is senior pastor at Beargrass Missionary Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky.

He read from Matthew 27:32, where Jesus was carrying the cross on the way to His crucifixion, and the Roman guards made a bystander, Simon of Cyrene, carry the cross with Him.

“Simon had no other choice,” Smyzer said. “Now he finds himself with the cross of Christ on his shoulder. After the cross's weight was so heavy that even Christ fell under it, they had to have somebody to carry it the rest of the way.”

Smyzer said, “Simon didn't ask for it. He wasn't looking for it. He was just on his way trying to go to the celebration of the Passover.”

Smyzer said when they put the cross on Jesus' back, the blood of Jesus ran onto the cross.

“When Simon put his shoulder under the cross, and the blood of Jesus that had gotten on the cross has now gotten on Simon,” said Smyzer. “Before Jesus got to Calvary, Simon was already covered by the blood.”

Smyzer asked, “Why is it that people who were so mistreated and forced to be enslaved have such an attitude that they still wanted to give their best? It could be because they already knew the blood covered them.”

Smyzer said people looked down at Simon as a criminal and then asked, “Is there anybody in here that understands that people can give you a look without even knowing who you are and without even knowing what your story is?”

Smyzer then transitioned and spoke on historical contributions made by African Americans over the years.

He shared how African Americans such as George Crum, Charles Richard Drew, Dr. James E. West, Mary Davidson, George Washington Carver, Patricia Bath and Arthur Walker have contributed to society by helping produce everything from the three-light traffic signals, refrigerated trucks, automatic elevator doors and color monitors for desktop computers to the shape of the modern-day ironing board and more.

Smyzer then encouraged students who may be facing struggles, problems and burdens.

“Don't you quit, don't you give up,” Smyzer said. “You hang on in there because if you know Jesus, then you're covered by the blood, and everything is going to be all right.”

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